Contact Us
Contact Us
National Storm Shelters, LLC
6051 Franklin Rd.
Murfreesboro, TN 37128
Storm Shelters, Tornado Shelters, Safe Rooms
Thank you for visiting our website. National Storm Shelters, LLC is located in the heart of Middle Tennessee. National Storm Shelters, LLC is a company that designs and builds tornado shelters. We have two types of tornado shelters, one is an underground storm shelter installed into your garage floor and is accessible with your car in the garage. The other type is an above ground storm shelter safe room that comes in a few sizes. NSS shelters meet or exceed the FEMA Standard. We take a family first approach with our product. Let us help your family be sure and safe.
Our website is designed to give you all the information you need for making an informed decision on your purchase. You will find our pricing, installation methods, and key resources to assist you with the many common questions you may have. If you would like additional information about our product please call us at 615-2BE-SAFE.